Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pro Life Sci Fi

Complicated., Difficulty. Not to easy to explain to those who don't’ understand or have not experienced the world in which it happen. It makes perfect sense to those who live there.
“ I can’t go through with it”, Sarah uttered with the utmost conviction.
“You have to. You have no choose.” replied Franny.
“What do ya mean I have no choose? Of course I have a choose. I’m the host. I can terminate the info that I’m carrying just as easy as I got it.”
“You know that is not true.”
“Why are you making a big deal about this? This is no different then any other info....
“ Again, you know that is not true... it was proven that......”
“ That is not true.......... they are not.........” Sarah trailed off into a flow of tears pouring like streams from her little blue eyes. Fanny put a consoling arm around her. Sarah had wondered into the Mystic Techno Cave on a dare from some friends. The Mystic Techno Cave was a cave in which living information was stored. This living information came in from all across the universe. From such far and distant places as Truknob, Kaloue, Oz, Merket, and Narnia of all places. The living information came through little black holes called pin pricks. Somehow, this info got sucked into the pin pricks and got transformed to the world in which Sarah and Franny lived and breathed on. The Living Information got sucked from the pin pricks to Silly Con Rocks. The only way for the living info to be transformed from the Rocks into the real material world. was to have a woman place her hands on the rocks and to have the info sucked into her body and then into her mind. For some reason only females are able to carry this info. Men have tried but seem to be incapible of doing it. At one time it seemed that a man did get the info, but it turned out to really be a woman discussed as a male. Over a period of 9 weeks, the info was be formed and fashioned in the woman who was known as the host. At the end of the 9 weeks she would place her hands on Wolu tree. A Wolu tree is a tree no bigger then a three story house. It is complete hollow inside. The host will then place her hands on the two lowest branches, and the info that has been fully formed will materlize in the hollow of the tree. The living info is usually turned into something useful and practical for living. Food, machines, medicine’s. One time this mysterious bottle showed up with the words Coke, written on it. It was the most interesting looking thing that had come along in quite some time. Only non-living things came out of the tree. It was not the easiest thing in the world to be a host. It could be somewhat difficult at times, but it did have a sense of joy that came with it. The greatest amount of joy after putting in the info into the wolu tree, cause putting it into the tree was not the most pleasant thing in the world, felt as if your energy was being sucked out through a straw. The most pleasant experience to be associated with being a host was the transfer of info from the silly con rocks to the host. When it happen the host experienced a joy that sipped into her heart. It felt as if someone had shot an areo in their heart. It usually ended up with the woman breaking out into hysterics for about 10 minutes. It was a good feeling. Only certain woman were selected for this task because it was such a great responsibility. Some people have been known to sneak into the cave and to throw some ultra rubber gloves on their hands, that way they could experience the joy of getting the info with actually downloading the info into their bodies. These people would be carefully screened out. The Silly Con Rocks were serious business and not meant to be fooled around with. Every once in awhile the stress of carrying the info or just the inconvenience of carrying it would get to the host. She could actually illuminate the development of the info only by drinking the soapy muddy waters of leech lake. It took about 2 days for the info to die down. The host would then go to tree and a partial developed object would appear. Half a basked of fruit or a instrument without the wiring inside. Sarah sinfully stole into the cave on a dare from her friends. She had managed to sneak in without being seen. And she had managed to sneak out with out being seen. She had worn Ultra rubber gloves. She should not have had the info stored into her. But..........
somehow the gloves had failed. How? It didn’t matter how. She knew that she could not deliver this info. She would have been expelled from the land. She could not live with that. She was going to get rid of it. But first she wanted to know what it was that she was getting rid of it. She wasn’t sure why she wanted to know, but something in her lead her to the image readier. The image readier was a giant mirror located right next to the wolu tree. You rubbed your hands in dandy lion butter then smeared it on the mirror, then pressed your hands on it. Sarah was curious of what it might be. A new food. A device to help her people. What was she giving up. What she saw in the mirror was not what she was expecting..........
“It can be....” Sarah said in exhausting breaths.” It has never.... It could never...
Franny replied with, “It did.... You went over it 19 times to be sure. We even asked a expert and he said that was improbable but not impossible.
“It’s my choose. It’s my body that is being used as a host. I can choose to deliver the info or ......
“ Franny broke it. “ It’s your choose to deliver the info or not. That was your choose BEFORE you went in and had a joyful time with the Silly Con rocks. Your choose to not carry the info should have been made before you decided to do something you were not supposed to do or ready to do.”
“But I did. I didn’t know it would....”
“Do you think it matters to them? If you take that drink you will have 100 dead ill formed bodies appear in that. Do you really want that?
“But I ca........ we can easily get rid of 100 dead... will they really be dead.... If we do it now, it won’t be that develop... “ She stopped. She realized what she was saying. Even so. the fear the humiliation.
“ Even if we do it.... What will happen to them all. They’ll be captured and killed. I can’t take care of them all.
“Killing them all is the answer.” What to do. The toughest desciosn she had ever had to make. Ruin my life and have them lead a life of slavery or just elimate their life. She had the power of life and death and...........how could she knowing what she knew commit them to a grave that she had dug for them. They were alive and now the only choose was the right choose.... but that would mean inconvenience and suffering on her part.... What could she do once they were transferred into the real world though. Their had to be a....
“A solution” came a voice. Behind the women towered a man with blond hair. A long slick robe flowed over him. “I know a place where they can go where they will be safe.”
“Who are you “, asked the girls, frighten beyond words....
“My name is....... Raphael...”

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