Monday, May 23, 2011

UA MR CAS Chapter 12

That's it. I'm tired of this garbage, it's just not proper in this juncture in time. Besides, everyone knows there's nothing called the IQ AGENCY, or the IQ Master, or IQ 2, besides the guy they got to say 'Oh My! 'doesn't even look like me. The Evil Mad man still looks like an iget while saying 'YES, YES!' ." yelled the President.
Critic Jack: Man this story violates the basic convention of story construction, which suggests that we should get at least a vague idea of where the story began and where it might be heading.. It starts out with one thing, drops it and starts something else. Was this written for someone with ADD. If 1950s film schlockmeister Ed Wood wrote novels, he might have made one as hilariously digganee awful as "what your reading. `This story `is the very soul of sophomorism. Look when a critic uses the word sophomoric, it's a good sign you're dealing with an amateur. Once you get to be a junior, you should more or less retire sophomoric from your vocabulary, unless no other word will do and no other word will do. IT DOESN’T EVEN HAVE A TITLE!!! It’s trying to get people to guess what’s goanna happen next. Keep people in suspense. Get people to think and use some wit.. When a story doesn't have a brain in its head, it's kind of unfair to require thought on the part of the readers. Sophomorism uses a sledgehammer; wit uses a scalpel. Sophomorism cries out for your attention; wit assumes it has it.? This book is is transcendently bad. It soars above ordinary badness as the eagle outreaches the fly . It is callow, gauche, obvious and awkward, and designed to appeal to those with similar qualities.
Anti-Critic Jack: Didn’t you get most of your critical analysis form Roger Ebert and some other critics? Doesn’t it make your comments unorginal and plagerized?
Critic Jack: Of course it strikes a realistic picture of reality, that being the diversity and scatterness of the human mind.
Anti-Critic Jack: Is scatterness a word?
Critic Jack: I think At that moment in time an assessor came in and he said,
"Mr. President, it's urgent. It seems Walker...".
"Don't even start to tell me what he's doing without Pepdopizmo first, I can tell it's going to be long' day
What I want to know is What will happen to the Mysterious Unknown Assailant?
Does he get blown up?
Who is the Mysterious Unknown Assailant?
What will happen to Bodee Lee on the plane?
Will the plane fall into the ocean before the UFO hits it, or will Mad Man Marvin blow up the plane?
What about his stupid ring?
What does Daisy Junkin have against Ace Walker. What happen in their Past?
What of Our Buddy the Police man and the other minor characters?
What’s does this whole story have to do with the president and the madman.
"Wait a minute, I know who that is!" exclaimed the Delivery Boy, D.B. , "The Boss e’ll kill me if I bomb his agent!". The D.B. ran to Manual's apartment and kicked open the door, the bomb had 30 seconds before it would explode. D.B. grabbed the bomb and ran down the hall, 15 seconds left. He tried to disarm it, “two wires, two colors, but which one do I cut.” Einne Minne Mine Moe.
In the next chapter you just might know.

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