Sunday, May 22, 2011

You and Me

Place: Pasture - 2 sheep are standing around talking
Sheep 1: So that’s when Adam was created, just a little before Eve.
Sheep 2: It was quite a long day with Eve. But that’s the date of his creation and creation of the first date, by the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end, The end of every place. You know who that is?
Sheep 1: The letter E.
Sheep 2: What I was looking for was the Word...... (A female sheep wonders into the fold)
Sheep 3: Hello fellow brother lambs, in the name of the Great High Shepherd God.
Sheep 1: Well hello there sister lamb.
(shakes her hoof, she goes to shake Sheep number 2‘s hoof, who‘s eye‘s are popping out of his head at her apparent beauty)
Sheep: 2: Baaaaaa, Sheep of the Great High Shepard God don’t shake hoofs, they gotta hug.
(She giggles a little giggle and gives both sheep 1 and 2 a nice sheep hug.)
We were just talking about God, I didn’t know he’d send us a example of the beauty and wonder of his creation.
(Goes up and checks the tag on back of her shirt)
Yup, Just as I thought, made in Heaven.
Sheep 3: (giggling) Oh stop, you’re so sweet, your giving me a tooth ache. Want a date?
Sheep: 2 (gets all red) A date? Already. Just like that. Gosh I must be faster then Adam in the human race to get a date.
Sheep 3: (smiling) here you go. (pulls out a bag of dates, hands one to each sheep)
Sheep 1: So your new around here?
Sheep 3: Yes I just moved here from Wales.
Sheep 2: Your from Wales. Do you know a fella named Jonah?? He used to live in whales for awhile. Baaa, emmm, What might your name be?
Sheep 3: Me.
Sheep 2: You. (He says this pointing to her)
Sheep 3 (She yells across the pasture) HEY YOU.
Sheep 2 Who you calling?
Sheep 3: No, it’s I’m calling You.
Sheep 2: But I’m right here.
Sheep 3: Wanted You right?
Sheep 2: We just meet and you want me.... baaaaa to, you want me for...
Sheep 3: What for?
Sheep 2: What for what?
Sheep 3: That’s what was uttered from your mouth, accept it’s You wants Me to, or You wants Me for... proper English is important.
Sheep 2: Well baaaaaa, I don’t actually want you for anything specifically....
Sheep 3: Well he’s over there. I’m sorry, I guess I haven’t been too clear. My brother’s name is You and Mine is Me.
Sheep 2: No?
Sheep 3: Yes!
Sheep 2 Really?
Sheep 3 So.
Sheep 2: Do you always have this much trouble?

Sheep 3 Usually, getting our names mixed up with regular sentences and all.
Sheep 2: Did your parent’s want to confuse You, Me. Know what I mean?
Sheep 3: They wanted to be different and give us names that no one else would have.
Sheep 2: So why do You, Me keep the names?
Sheep 3: I don’t, I just like to confuse people, It’s a way to pass the time. (another guy sheep comes over)
Sheep 4: Hi sis! Who’s this?
Sheep 3: Oh, I never got your name?
Sheep 2: Ohh, aaaaa, my name, how rude of me, Not Me, but me. Dumb!
Sheep 4: What’s dumb about your name?
Sheep 2: Everything. Don’t You and Me understand. I’m Dumb.
Sheep 4: That isn’t nice to say about yourself.
Sheep 2. That’s my name.
Sheep 3: Dumb is your name?
Sheep 2: Yeah dumb huh?
Sheep 4: Ohh yeah.
Sheep 2: Confusing to You?
Sheep 4: Yes! But not to Me.
Sheep 3: But to You.
Sheep 4: Why must we play this dumb name game everywhere we go. I’m Eugene and that’s my twin
Sheep 2: Mia.
Sheep 3: How’d You Guess.
Sheep 2: No I guessed.
Sheep 4: Ike?
Sheep 2: Right.
Sheep 4: When the shepherd God, who is The Word, I Am,
Sheep 3: and these really are some of his real names,
Sheep 2: will here call us all by our names,
Sheep 4: Eu(gene)
Sheep 2: I(ke)
Sheep 3: and Mi(a).
Sheep 1: So the Shepherd's name really is a Word.
Sheep 2: The Word who was with God and who was truly God. With this Word God created all things.
Sheep 4: When one of the sheep asked his name, the Word said,
Sheep 2: I Am. And he wasn’t joking like we were.
Sheep 4: He can really say his name is “I AM” an mean it.
Sheep 3: Gosh you haven’t spoken up to now, when the Shepherded calls you, not You, what name will it be.
Sheep 4: Yeah what’s your name.
Sheep 1: Now your the first sheep to get my name right.

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