Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Start of My Story Idea

The story of the 6 adventurers on the bed is told, Will redo to have 7 adventures........ The seventh adventurer will be a sloth, who later betrays the group.
Rick was a writer for his small town newspaper. He was able to write very entertaining articles about what goes on around town. Food reviews are his specialty. But when it comes to writing creative stories of the science fiction or the fantasy or children’s kind, he seems to get stuck. But this is his passion, his dream of what he wants to do. His father had an active imagination, due to the many books he read as a child. He passed this love of reading on to his son. He would always read to his son, lots and lots of books when he was younger. Never wrote anything himself. This sparked Rick’s imagination, but he never wrote anything cause he was always disorganized, and was always playing with the other kids or too obsessed with getting books in order to actually write anything. And this is his great dream.
He was working on a Children’s Fantasy Story, when he got fired from his newspaper Job. He actually wrote it in high school as part as a class assignment. He actually did write several stories that he never did finish. He kicked a wall cause he made a mistake in his article. He left a hole in the wall, that is still there to this day.. After that he seemed to get a real case of writers block which he was never able to get over. He sits in front of his computer every night, hoping to write but never seems to be able to do so. He then got a job as a janitor, at a school. Not only have writers block clogged his imagination, he has almost forgotten that he had an imagination . Usually in the past when He starts to get ideas, but when he goes to write them down, he either gets tired or watch’s tv .......... till one day.
A 13 year old kid named David Johnson comes to Rick’s office at the school. He is looking for something in lost and found. He manages to find a back pack that looks a lot like Rick’s when he was 13. He has a conversation with Rick that establishes the back story that is above. He leaves, but not before giving Rick a Teddy Bear with angel wings to him. Rick brings the bag home, where he sits in front of the computer. He goes to write something and cant’ as always and the bag begins to glow. He begins to look in it. He takes out a pair of shoes, which he puts on. They are Brinker Shoes. He pulls out a thing of live savers. Pulls out a lighter. He flicks it and a spark falls to the floor. He tires to stamp it out, but to his surprise it does not catch the whole rug on fire but goes in a straight line and goes to the closet at the edge of the room. It encircles around the door. It burns a hole, and Rick seems to notice a big huge block. It is make of Plastic an has three letters on. R.I.C. The same initials on the bag. Before he can figure out what is going on, he is attacked from a shadow creature from under the bed. . It is now that the shadow creatures known as Shadow Kars appear. They are 3 foot shadow creatures, with big swords. And if the swords get knocked out, they have long claws that come out of their hands.
Before being stabbed with a sword, Ric eats a life savor. It saves him from being stabbed by a sword. Next a huge swarm of shadow kars come out. They wave their swords at him. He manages to fend them off with a can of pretzels, he finds in his back pack. The pretzels actually wrap around the shadow kars, tying them up. . They only to have them try to flame him with some type of dark flame. He seems to get hit, but in actually escapes. They are confused at first but realize what happen. They are not happy completely. They seem some what satisfied and send out shadow kars to get him, and barricade the door. He runs down in his house and out the door. He runs out of his house into what looks like a library. He grabs the bag and takes it with him. He is confused. He hides behind a stack of books while some shadow kars rush back. The Library is bleak, bland and lacks color and life. It is cold, damp and dead.
He realizes that he has the Brinker Shoes on, and manages to use them to get away.

While wondering along he comes upon a secret garden of imagination. The door to can only be found when the real rick is asleep. There then comes a wrinkle in imagination. The wrinkle is found by............. The entrance to the cavern is accross a deep aybas. the bridge is only extened when one tells the truth. It extends accross the casam, like a nose. In it he meets a girl who has the power to control Bean bags, She lives with a quarky inventer dwarf who can modify anything. But seems to use it just to lie around and does something.
Watches TV. Does Something. She‘s not lazy..... Just very selfish and immature. Afraid and cowerdly. . Has the power to fight in the war, but doesn’t want to. Rick wanders into a room and the room leads into a doll house that is located inside his computer room. The two little worlds are connected by a wardrobe . The wardrobe contines on untill the wardrobe comes out the other end of the doll house.
Their he learns the back story of the story he is in. He learns of Queen Nada and his plans. characters form his imagination are either A. Frozen or B. Turned into Shadow people. Some shadow’s are good but have been blocked by the power of the shadow, controlled by Queen Nada. They have placed the block. If RIC finds the Key to the block, the flood of imagination will spill out, making the shadow’s light again. Nada wants the shadow’s to remain shadow’s and some shadow’s don’t want to be exposed to the light. Some characters are frozen solid. RIC wants to try to unfreeze some if he can. He gathers some more items and heads off. He gets a map. THe Dwarf has to stay behind to try and impress this girl who does not much care for him.
It is at this point he prays and a little monk gives him something which is his memory. He realizes who he. is. He uses the Map to help find the Key to Imgination, hidden somewhere in the library.
With the map he ventures off to find the Key............................
Status Report with the Queen Nada........... She sends some things off to help her find RIC
He is pursued by Land Sharks
He is pursued by something else
He is pursued by something else.
He uses things in his bag to help him escape......................
He gets to the room where the key is. It is in a stone. Lots of different evil creatures and othes have tried to pull it out, but Ric is the only one who can. As he pulls it out of the stone, a creature is released from it’s clutches. It becomes Ric’s seveent.
Ric flys back to the library on a broom, their is a broom chase with others on Flying Carpets. , He gets back to the room where he is trapped. It is just then that he remembers the story he started and he decides to finish it while he is standing there. The 6 adventurers appear in front of him and they fight off the shadow kars. He tries to undo the door with the key, but can’t. It can only be opened from the inside. At this time something comes out an renders the bed useless. IT is destroyed into little tiny pieces. He finds 7 Gold Rings that help him, as each ring gives the wearer special powers. One of the seven, uses this ring to betray the others. It is the Sloth, who works very hard to make sure nothing happens. The Sloth is Nada’s right hand servent.
Just then the dwarf comes out of the house and points a shrink ray and shrinks everyone and pulls them into the doll house. They are able to get to the saftey of the garden before the house is destroyed also. Thus they find a pool that leads into the stream of imagination. He swims underwater and is about to open the door with the key, he puts the key in the door and the door itself turns around. He wonders what happen and realizes that all he did is turn the door around and has to actually turn the key in order to finish the process. He finds himself someplace else... He is in the dark room of the Nada Queen.
He learns how the Nada came into his imagination and ruined his kingdom. He let Nada come into his place when she knocked. It was a sloth that Ric kept feeding that opened up the door to her. Before Rick could totally lose his imagination, he gave a key to his servent and he went to bury it in some type of field for safe keeping. He turned into stone, for when he would need it again. He packed a back pack full of stuff, but some how it got lost. Through the intersession of his father he got it back. The Nada brought some bad stuff with her, or bad stuff formed and started freezing ideas and turning them into shadow and had the block put up.
The Final Confrontation with Nada Queen in which case the Guirdian Bear comes to life and fends her off, He sticks the key in the door and it is unlokced and he the flood of imagination comes out. And floods the library with imagination. Color, life, and such not are back in. Characters, lands and other thigns are back in action.
he does and the flood of impaction comes and unfreezes everything and turns the shadow people back into shadow. It turns the Nada into Shadow. She escapes vowing to return again.
Ric decides to continue on in his endevers to write and starts to work on more adventures with the 6. He then comes to know by some means that the boy in the begining was his dead father from heaven. He took the form he had when he was 13 and revovered some imagination that his son had forgot. He had a teddy bear when he was young and his father used to tell him it was a guardian angel teddy bear. That is purlly from his dad’s imagination. It represented his father’s love and saved him in the end. The servent of Ric who was a stone now takes the place of the 7th adventurer who betrayed them.

StoryIn the twilight of wake fullness and dreams, in a passageway that existed between dimensions and dreams, lay a long river made out of mattress. It took the shape of a giant hallway. 5 stories wide and 5 stories high. Nothing but mattresses lay spread around the atmosphere. The only signs of life were some bouncing penguins on the riverbed. They seemed to have a picnic basket, a radio, and a beach ball. "Wack Wack a Wacka" blurted out of the speakers. They were trying to find just the right location to set up for their picnic. All of a sudden a sound emerged from the distance along with A blurry vision. The loud booming noise along with the blur, wosshed by knocking the penguins all over the place. They started bouncing around like balls in a pinball machine. They hadn't yet stopped when some more blurs flew by. A closer look at the blur indicated that the blur was a flying bed. The bed zoomed by the river of mattress at approximately mach. 20 and the bed was just in second gear. The super slick highly powered beanbag chairs continued in hot pursuit. KABOOM!, went a pile of mattress as a big fat missile rocketed past the bed and imbedded into them. Getting shot at in some surreal part of the universe was just another casual day for Raymond and his gang of high-spirited cross-dimensional travelers. Raymond Stillskin, brother to infamous legend Rumple Stillskin, is an elf whose war experience against the elf revolution at Santa's palace has put him in a position of leadership in order to lead his fellow companions into adventures of wonder and imagination. He is about three feet tall, wears Christmas-looking cloths and has a short red beard and semi-long red hair.Somewhere, some time, some how, he meet up with everyone he flies around with. Somewhere, some time, some how they got this magic bed that they set up. Somewhere, some time, and some how will be explained in later pages. The bed is put together through magic and modern technology, thus combining fantasy and science fiction in one nice tidy bundle. That's about all they know about the bed, so that's all you need to know. At the present time they are experimenting with the bed. They're still in the starting stages of trying to figure out how the thing works. They plan on just flying around fighting crime, evil, bad art, and of course trying to discover the meaning of life.
Pinky the Rabbit, who used to work for the Easter bunny at one point, was busy trying to fix the Leaper. Pinky is an all pink 3 foot tall rabbit with human type characteristics (kinna like Bugs Bunny), was the resident daredevil of the group, always climbing high walls, jumping down high walls, and running into thick walls, something he was now trying to avoid at the present moment. The bed could not keep up this speed for long. As soon as Pinky fixed the Leaper they could leap into another dimension, time, galaxy, continent etc. "We must fly through every dimension and time, wake up every creature dead and alive. We must tell them the enemy comes after us with a hey Nonie Nonie and a ha cha cha," sang Gracho The Elf, as he fired the jelly blob gun at the pursing attackers. Gracho was kinda an elf carnation of Grocho Marx, complete with the looks and the wise cracks. Due to health reasons the cigar was put to rest permently in the ash try. He also considered himself the funniest elf that ever lived. He is about the same size as Raymond and Pinky, just to keep you up to height. "Almost got it," cried Pinky, his ears standing straight up. " You know this reminds me of the time I was shooting at elephant's in my Pajamas. How they got into my pajamas I'll never know." Gracho let everybody know. "Hurry " cried Indian, the two-foot small dog. Like Pinky, he had human type characteristics, (like Snoppy). Indian Dog is the last of a small Indian dog tribe. What you say? I'm just telling you the facts; you fill in the rest. "The jellys almost gone. Is there anything else we can use to shoot at them"? "Can't we use the crackers for something?" Inquired Flyer the 5 1/2 feet boa constrictor. Flyer is so named because he can fly. A flying snake. Talk about freaking people out. Of course he can talk, crack jokes, and can cook a mean veggie casserole. Even as a strict vegetarian he is the strongest of the group.
"Your , bacckkk, crackers", Sam the parrot insisted. Besides the fact that Sam has an I.Q. of 250, he is quite a normal red parrot. Normal height for a parrot in case you were wondering.
Great now you've meet everyone. "The only food we can use for things like this is Jelly, because it's a baccck Jelly Gun. We've tried sticker things in this thing like Peanut Butter or Fluff, and...baccck it didn't work because it's a Jelly Gun, thus only Jelly can go into it. Bacccck, baccccck Pass the peanut butter to me by the way, bacccck, along with the crackers of course. I think I need one about this time."
KABOOM went a sound just to the side of the flying bed. Another missile hit the river causing a pile of mattress to fly up near the flying bed. On one of these resting mattress slept a sloth who was not sleeping as he hit the bed.
“Whoa, I’m awake, which I should not be. What’s going o..........
“Sorry”, Pinky explained. But either jump off if you want to stay in your river, or shut up and hang on, and it will be explained to you as we go into the next world.”
The sloth loved his river. He had been there for oh so long. But he always did like to travel to other places, when the opportunity came up. Seeing he was usually too slothful to travel he thought he would take advantage of the oppurtunity while it had flown by.
"Time seems to running out," cried Raymond." " So does the mattress of river, said Indian Dog, nervously."You mean.... well we all know what it means or what you mean." Pinky tried to explain."WHATTT accckkkk EVER! ! Sam interjected."Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. Do we have any bananas?" Asked Gracho." Yes we have no bananas; we have no banana's today. HEY HEY HEY,". Flyer began to sing. They were fast approaching the end of the river where they would smash into giant matrices if they did not slow down and if they turned around well you know what would happen." There it's half done, shouted Pinky." "What do you mean Half done? cried Raymond who was starting to fall asleep steering the bed."The Jelly's all gone, make a note of that. Never mind I'll do it myself." "It'll take us somewhere but we can't program it to take it to where we want to go", Pinky said nervously. "JUST DO SOMETHING BEFORE WE HIT THAT WALL." Sam , Flyer, Indian, Pinky, Gracho and Raymond braced themselves for cross-dimensional travel. Pinky hit the button, and just before they hit the wall too. A great amount of light engulfed the bed and the passengers aboard it. It sped through time and space until it finally popped up

The small plastic cup sat on the floor by the computer desk. It was full of ice cold, snow white milk. A plate of sugar cookies stood near by. Cups with any form of liquid were no where allowed near the keyboard. Given the laws and probabilities of human nature, the drink would eventually end up on the keyboard and not in the cup where it belonged. The cookie too remained away from the keyboard. Crumbs can slowly destroy the keyboard, as opposed to the milk doing it all at once. And that would be a set back to Hal as he worked like a swiftly turning river, on his article for the newspaper. The town meeting had to be written up for the town newspaper. The town meeting was one of those necessary boring things that had to be covered. The New York Times. The Boston Globe. The Washington Post. Big Papers. Big Names. But if all the good writers wrote for the big papers who would write for the small papers. How would the townspeople find out about all the news that was happening around them. In spite of the rather boring subject matter, as renewing licenses for local restaurants in the small town of Brentville, Hal Spent wrote a rather amusing news article.
‘The Land of the neighbor of the Rising Sun will not set in Brentsville. Ne How’s Chinese Cuisine, is here to stay , for at least another 2 years, as their license has once again been renewed.”
Any body who has a exciting personality can make the most boring subject or the most boring situation, exciting. Hal was that type of person. Hal bent down and picked up his milk and sipped. The cold fresh flavor splashed around his mouth with a incredible sense of how good it is to be alive. ‘Milk is good’. Hal glanced over to his bed. Like a flash of lighting something crawled out of his bed. The milk in the cup, fortunately missed the keyboard, and landed all over Hal’s newly bought paints from JC Penny’s.
The thing, what ever it was, was dark in shadow, so Hal could not figure out what it actual was. He could tell that it was upside down and was looking up at the calling. He leaned his head so he could see around the room, as opposed to just the ceiling.
He spied Hal and gasped. “Oh oh’. It tilted it’s head down and pushed it self back under.
“What the....?” He walked causally to the bed and lifted up the sheets. He saw nothing but darkness. He went back to where he had spelt his milk and sniffed it. It was not likely that he was drugged, but unless he had stepped into some type of fantasy story, it was the only other thing he thought of. He also thought he might be mentally ill.
“YEOWWWWWWWWWWW”, came a scream. He no sooner turned around when he saw this thing, 3 feet tall, longing for him with a big huge sword. He instantly took up his plastic jar full of pretzels and bashed it over the head of the creature running towards it. The thing fell down letting go of the sword. The thing’s sword imbedded it’s self into Hal’s flesh. But it did not puncture it. It just sort of went in and bounced out. Hal fell back and smashed into the book case. Several books fell out. ‘Alice in Wonderland’, conked him on the head. He was stunned for a moment. He looked up at the thing in front of him. The thing was still in shadow. He flicked on the overhead light. The room was now showered in light. The Creature was still showered in shadow. Hal recalled a episode of ‘The New Twilight Zone’, not the new one with Forrest Whitaker, but the one before that, in which a episode featured the shadow man. He lived under kids beds. This one kid had his shadow man do all types of things to bully’s and other people he did not like. The shadow man could never hurt the one whose bed he lived under. At the end of the episode he got strangled by the shadow man from someone else's bed. But of course that was fiction and this was non-fiction. He argued with his brain for a moment. Of course the Shadow man in that episode was not three feet tall, and did not wave a sword around. He didn’t seem to go down very easily after a plastic jar of pretzel's landed on his head. He bent down closer to the creature to exam it.
He touched it. The skin felt icy cold, like a dark night in the desert. He began to wonder what he should do next. The next thing that happen, happen so fast, Hal seemed to notice it happening to him in slow motion. That probably saved his life.
“Did they get him?”
“No, he managed to grab on to a live savor.”
“Do they know, he’s saved.”
“They will in a moment.”
“Then what.”
“It seems like them, they will try to attack again.”
“But perhaps will be able to get there by then.”
“How long before we can intersect them, and bring speedy help.”
“About a 47 seconds his time.”
“How long before they realize he was lived saved?”
“Around 40 seconds his time.”
“Oh boy.”
Hal grabbed the floating purple ring floating in the air. It seemed to appear at the same time, a flood of shadow people poured out from under the bed. They aimed a strange looking devise right at him. A huge flame erupted from what looked like a small candle. Flames leaped around the room. It started to spread around the room. Everything in the room was on fire. Everything was on fire, but not everything was burning. Hal did not know what to think. He did not even feel heat. He seemed to recoil when he saw himself on fire. He seemed to recoil when he could see himself. ‘MOVE’, he shouted in his head. The image of his body on fire seemed to delight the shadow people. He did not wait around to tell him he was ok. He opened up the door and dashed out the flaming door and started down the stairs. He reached the bottom of the stairs and started for he door. Up above in his room, the image of his flaming self, began to flicker. The shadow people seemed to quiet down. All the flames began to go out. Every thing in the room turned into shadows. They waited for Hal to also. Instead he disappeared. They immediately looked around the room and saw the open door, they jumped down the stairs. They saw Hal heading for the door. They tried to raise their flame gun, but couldn't seem to raise it in time before he ran out the door. They threw a sword at him, which just bounced off the wall. They rushed towards the door. But almost instantly a bunch got thrown back. A huge dog came bursting throw the door throwing shadow people everywhere. The next thing that happen after that was a tad bit more dramatic.................

How Rick Gets the Seed of Faith.

When Rick arrives in the Secret Garden of Imagination, he meets (Mary) who gives him a seed. He eventually waters the seed (Baptism) and it grows into a Lamb. This lamb leads the Adventures on their journey. He lights up the dark with it’s fur. The travelers eat the flesh off the lamb which comes off as bread and his blood that comes from it’s paws tastes like wine. Only the Petrine Rock can properly interpret what the lamb is saying. In the end the lamb dies to save the lives of everyone and 3 minutes later the lamb turns into a lion.

The Seven Levels of Buried Imagination

1. Lust: When you kiss a pixie/leprechaun Girl there is a spark that creates a innocent life (Unicorn). But it takes 9 minutes for it to form. The light is attached to the PixieChan. Will the Pixiechan decide to determine to end the connection to the growing unicorn and let it fade away.

If discarded the unicorn can crop up from the unicorn sancury and the unicorn horn is the horn that is the key to unlock the door to imagination. Forgiveness is shown.

2. Gluttony:

3. Sloth

4. Greed:

5. Anger: Rage against childhood tampering with Story

6. Envy: Another person succeeded in story writing while he didn’t.

7. Pride:

Fairy Tale Elements

Biblical Elements

Catholic Elements

Urban Legend Elements


Reference to Sci-FI Authors

I am doing research into Children’s Lit. Maybe too much. I will never read or put into this book of all the good stuff that is out there, but it doesn’t mean that I won’t try to do a lot.

A. If I could write this, C.S. Lewis, JRR TOlkin and either Charles Williams or George Macdonald come and talk to him. THey give him some gifts that make it possible for him to continue on his journey..

B. This will be easier to do. His dead brother or sister comes and gives him some gifts to help him in his investigation to leads him to find the key. This one will be easier to do. Maybe he’ll come by with the others who will be in the form of a Hobbit and either a Fawn or Aslan. Perhaps St. Francis De Sales will be there as well. Maybe St. Paul, Fulton SHeen, G.K. Chesteron.

Mad Librarian chase’s Hal for over due library book.

Bearable Lights- Flying Bears who destroy the work of the shadow people

unfreeze Land Sharks and Detective Tony Sims

Joseph and His color Coat

Warrior Lamb

I want to include references to other Children’s Lit and also Catholic Symbols and such not, but I am finding it very hard to look up information on these subjectsImagination Bag- Back pack that Rick carries around

Crazy Cakes- Eat a bite and you become Crazy for a short time

Cottontail- What Pinky the Rabbit is

Zebra Wall- Wall made out of Zebra’s

Frog & Toads on the flying lillypads

Shadow Cats Eat Stone Soup- So their hearts grow into stone- Stone Eaters

Peta Da Rabbit Dog VS. Fama Brown

Rick has an Alexander type Day or some one has

Indian Dog comes from the Big Red Dog Tribe

Make way for Ducklings- Name of Frog Gang on Lilly Pads- they are looking for Bluebarries

They have on snowy Orange suits

Colors painted in the Mind

Monkey’s who stole guy’s hub caps

Hungry Catipliar ate something importatn

Mashed Potatoe sundays

Mulligan Steam Broom

Fire Cat- Flaming Cat on fire

I think I can said Rick to himself, I can fight the shadow people, but thinking does not alwyas work

Cathy character eats chicken soup with rice, she don’t care. Has power over Beanie stuff

Cathy Character watchs Giggles the Vampire Slayer with Mike the dwarf- Dressed all in Yellow- Modify’s and mixes it. Fixes up

Purple magic marker

turns rabbits into toys

Mike Character- Teddy Bear Dr.

Train travels round house

Harry potter type of chase scene, pull key out of stone, realize spell of person who is the stone, Chased by shadow cats on brooms

Cookie Tree

A red Ballon Floats around the library, it is Black, it’s real color is Blue

The Rescuers by Margery Sharp

Tithe: A Modern Faeire Tale by Holly Black

Green Angel by Alice Hoffman

Chocolate moose for dinner

gorilla war

lions prey on other animals

new wing, daddy sleep on it

car pool

tackle fish

live in pen

under toe

tortuse and the hair

church has cannons

bells that peel

runs a plant

rabbit dog

Classic SCI-FI/Horrer/Fantasy

A Wrinkle in Time reflects a cosmology heavily influenced by Christian theology and modern physics.

"Just because we don't understand doesn't mean an explanation doesn't exist."

"You don't need to understand things for them to be."

A Wrinkle in Time - A Wrinkle in Imagination leads to the Secret Imagination Garden. The Wrinkle only occurs when Rick Is asleep. Whatsit, who, which, Always quoting someone in speech.

beautiful creatures perform a musical dance in a garden, and Mrs. Whatsit translates their music into the words of the Biblical verses of Isaiah 42:10-12.

Mrs. Whatsit speaks in "a rich voice with the warmth of a woodwind, the clarity of a trumpet

: the first dimension is a line; the second is a square; the third is a cube; the fourth is Einstein's concept of time; and the fifth is a tesseract. By adding the tesseract to the other four dimensions, they travel in such a way that the shortest distance between two points is not a straight line


Whereas Chronos is ordinary clock time, divided evenly into hours, minutes, and seconds, Kairos is God's time, in which notions of past and present are irrelevant. the children do not travel through linear time on their journey to rescue Mr. Murry; rather, their quest is circular, involving an escape from ordinary Chronos into the realm of Kairos and then returning back to Chronos at a point prior to their departure. L'Engle's creative conception of time resembles the twin paradox and other notions that are a consequence of relativity theory.

. Calvin nearly releases the real Charles by reciting the lines from Shakespeare's The Tempest, which Mrs. Who gave him, but Charles ultimately remains in thrall

, Meg fights the tyranny of a rational brain devoid of the irrational qualities--the passions, emotions, and foibles--that make us human.

L'Engle comments on the dangers of intellect untempered by emotion. Such pure rationality precludes individuality; without emotion, people are mechanical, robot-like creatures identical to one another. Only when we can feel love and pain can we think creatively and develop as unique individuals.

Charles's downfall demonstrates that intelligence and intellect alone cannot resist the tyranny of uniformity

has great difficulty expressing things the way her mind shapes them

Mrs. Who gives her a blessing from the New TestamentAll of the gifts that Meg receives in this chapter allude to Christian theology. Mrs. Whatsit and Mrs. Which strengthen Meg with both their love and her own love, and Mrs. Which gives her an excerpt from St. Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians. This Biblical passage offers empowerment to the foolish and the weak and charges human beings to fulfill their calling despite their sense of inadequacy

The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings The Silmarillion -- by J. R. R. Tolkien

A set of Magic rings are the rings of power but their not evil and can make you do incredible different thngs

The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis

A wardrobe leads from the house in the secret Garden to the small house in Ricks Room.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz -- by L. Frank Baum,

Yellow Brick Hallway with Poppy’s All around it

Alice In Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass , The Nursery "Alice" by Lewis Carroll

Mad Coffie Party- army of greeting cards- magic food- looking glass

Peter Pan: The Complete and Unabridged Text by James Matthew Barrie

Peter Pan Peanut butter helps you stick to clouds so you can fly, turns you into a kid for a slight time.

The Adventures of Pinocchio: The Story of a Puppet -- by Carlo Collodi

Pinocchio Nose Bridge

A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeleine L'Engle

A wrinkle in Imagination.

Harry Potter (Books 1-5) -- by J. K. Rowling

a broom chase through dragons with blubber balls that fly past you, Bubble Gum that lets you be

breath underwater, map that lets you see where your going, shows you where the key is- cloak that lets you do somthing magical

This story is hard to shape. He attemps to take an elevator but it opens up on to shadow people. He then takes another elevator down somewhere. He gets out and is pursued by more shadow people. The clock strikes.... and he finds a Secret Garden of Imgination. Their with the help of some inhabbitants living there, he takes one and heads off.

And maybe from Tolkein and Lewis in the form of a Hobbit riding an lion.

faces 7 obstacles based on 7 deadly sins.

Magic Markers create anything you need

Shadow’s of the Mind are the creatures- Shadow Cats also- have big claws that come out of their paws. They block light of imagination.

When he runs out into the outside world, outside his house, The library is all dark. The books are dusty and when he tries to look into them, they are blank. He says a prayer and

Not sure where he finds the key or who he unfreezes. Got to think up some characters. MMMM

Hal makes a Short Story Novena to St. Francis De Sales who is interceding for Hal before God


have to have dreas

fom4life: nice

CajunBelle78: dreams i mean

fom4life: i have dreas also

CajunBelle78: and go on a cruise

Communists under the bed

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