Sunday, May 22, 2011

UA MR CAS Preface

It was a dark and stormy night. The wind whooshed around buildings like a mad freight train. A lone figure stepped out from a mini-van and headed across a parking lot towards a 4-story building. The side of the building he was going into had all windows up and down it. And coming from inside were the figures of many people leaning over desks. It appeared that some were reading and that some were writing. Some seemed to wondering around. All Willy knew was that he was about to step into a building that was full of Mystery and Wonder. He knew great things were going to happen once he stepped inside. Maybe things of cosmic importance. He flung his backpack up more firmly onto his shoulders as he proceeded into the building.
"STOP!" came a voice as my foot stepped into the door. I hadn't even yet stepped into the main section of where I was going and I was already being harassed. Of course I knew that the safety patrol officer would be there. "Hey Friend, I hope your gonna be quiet and not fool around in here. Because if you are you can go down and use the public beach. You can make all the noise you want at the public beach." To anyone who did not know "Our Friend," the safety Patrol officer, this phrase would cause one to wrinkle his face and go "Aha?" But all I did was pull out a Chocolate Covered, Grape Jelly Filled, Cinnamon Flavored Duko D0-NA Delight Donut. Our Friend eyed me suspiciously, took the donut in the bag and waved me in. "Next time, Bring Milk."
"In all seriousness", he wondered, "who has a Safety Patrol officer posted out the college Library? He proceeded to the computers on the third floor. He had another Duko DO-NA Delight Donut ready for the computer monitor. The college frowned on non-college students using the computers, but it was a Saturday, too many students were hung over from all the college party's the night before, so their were plenty of open computers. Of course the ones that were there this early in the morning would be the computer monitor, a guy named Guy, and some of the foreign exchange students. Willy gave the Donut to Guy and began his mission. Just recently he had begun a massive cleaning project of his room that would probably be taken up one day by his great-grandkids. He happen to find several stories that he had written several years ago. Here he was ten years out of College and he worked at a convenience store. At the time Liberal Arts seemed like a good idea. He thought, "If I take the stories I wrote, combine them, clean them up, fix the spelling, fix the grammar, add clarity, update them, and add fresh new creative things perhaps I can write something good enough to send to a publisher, and I wouldn't have to work at a job I never needed a college education for." And he had done just that. He had come to the Library to continue to fix his stories up. Some of the stories he had found he had written back in high school. Some of the stories had been part of a Story Game. A Story Game is when 2 or more people write different parts of a story, just for the sake of writing. One person writes something, leaves it in a cliffhanger, the other person then picks it up, resolves the cliffhanger, picks up the story and ends in a cliffhanger. And the other person then repeats the process. A back and forth story. Willy had written it with a friend of his named Bob. Willy wondered what ever became of Bob. What a great title he thought for a book or movie. "Whatever Became of Bob."
The stories represented a piece of my history. A little piece of me that would be left when I was gone. Most of the stories contained elements of my childhood and teenage years, plus the first few years of when I went to college. Some of the strange characters come from my huge toy collection I had as a kid. Some of the people and places come from the real life people and places that I knew and lived in. I deiced that I would expand my stories by including names and places from my young adult life. I was excited to get started. Another thing that placed my Joy meter running was the use of the Internet. Had I had this thing when I was a kid, boy all the info I could have looked up, all the facts I could have used. The Internet in my mind is like a reflection of God. I find it fascinating that God knows everything about everything, which makes Him everything, although everything is not God. But, Like WoW. Of course the Internet doesn't know or contain everything, but it has quite a lot. I would spend maybe an hour looking up information to use for my stories.
"30 minutes to closing", He heard 7 hours later. Web pages are just like chips. You can't look up just one. One site is interesting. And it leads to another. And that site leads to another and to another. He spent his whole day looking up stuff to use in his stories, and he never wrote anything. "Oh my Head. Oh well there is next time," is all that Willy could remark.
But of course for the next three Saturdays Willy intended to write, but ended up spending the whole day just looking stuff up. He found interesting stories, facts, quotes, statistics, music lyrics, movie scripts, Biblical and theological information,, and jokes. He planned on using them in his stories. Or so he told himself. 4 more Saturdays went by without really writing anything. Willy seemed to suffer from BookSponge syndrome. It's like an eating disorder of the mind. It's gluttony for the brain. People who suffer from BookSponge syndrome will walk into a bookstore or library or in this modern age of technology, the Internet, and attempt to capture all the interesting things they see written down. A real bad case of BookSponge syndrome will have some people camped out in a library or bookstore. They will have a sleeping blanket and a picnic basket full of food. Some will even have a little bottle to pee in. These type of people always buy or borrow lots of books and never read them, and then continue to borrow or buy even more books. In Willy's case he just spent just too much time on the net looking things up. He could not tare himself away. What if there was something really interesting that he missed? He realized of course that he was wasting his time and could actually have had something written by now. What would he tell God when he stood before Him, when God asked him what he had done with all his valuable time that He had given him. "Lord have Mercy."
The net was not the only thing that kept me from writing. I would look at books, find a couch to lay down in. I would fall asleep for a few hours and come back and be too tired to write. I then would surf which brought me back to endless hours of surfing. I would end up talking to people I knew and didn't know. But the most distracting thing would be to go to the section of the library known as "Loud Hush", and listen to the conversations of the many people who went to talk about whatever. Some pretty weird conversations took place. One guy talked about how he stayed in the Library overnight one time to see if he could capture the Library Leprechaun. The Library Leprechaun only comes out at night. If you catch him, he has to help you write your term papers and help you pass your college exams. A group of people began to argue about Larry Legend, A mysterious college student that caused lots of controversy at Bean Jr. College. He had apparently been seen kissing a number of college female professors. Larry: stud or Jerk. Dangerous or delightful. Some guys thought it was cool to go after a young beautiful college professor until they heard that Larry had been kissing a number of college co-eds. A number of them who happen to be dating those guys. There was a mixture of other things about Larry, both Cool and Drool. Then there was this one couple. They were talking about.... Gosh it was so weird. It couldn't be real. If it was, why were they talking about it in public? People think and are often right that most people ignore what they say aloud. But that isn't always true and wasn't in this case. What an odd story. Nothing will probably come of it. Nothing will come of my writing if I don't get at it. So Lets Wright Now......

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