Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dad's Eulogy

Harold P. Wilson March 17th 1921-May 3rd 2003 82 years of Age
Eulogy Given by Mark S. Wilson (His Son) also known as # 4. He never remembered introducing me to anyone, so I have meet several people several times over.
In 1957 a young woman newly arrived in Massachusetts , activated her social life by going square dancing in Boston at the YWCA. That night she was asked to dance by a crazy young guy, whom was so wacky she thought he was drunk, wearing a rather white dirty shirt with sleeves rolled up. She accepted and kept on dancing for the next 46 years, 44 as husband and wife.
From my Mothers Journal- June 5, 1963
Tonight Daddy practiced square dancing. Mary stood right alongside him & imitated him exactly. She sang away clapping her hands and I sat & laughed. Patty meanwhile joined the act by crouching over & dancing Indian style. It looked like a regular Indian war dance. I called Irene, a dear friend and neighbor over & we sat & enjoyed them so much.
May 2, 1966 Daddy wants to be certain we put down the fact that Laurie enjoys chewing on his left thumb. She grabs hold of his hand with both of hers & “attacks” his thumb as though it were a nice juicy bone. She does this after supper as he holds her. Yesterday Daddy held her up over his head. As she looked down on him she let loose with a “juicy burp” and it went right in his eye, down his face and over his shirt. I got a real good laugh.
November 8th, 1971 After his bath Mark always smothers me with kisses but refuses to give one to Daddy. He just pushes Daddy away & laughs. He loves to cuddle in Daddy’s shoulder though & sing before gong to bed.
My Father was a real Father.
For 44 years Harold P. Wilson (the p standing for the day on which he was born, St. Patrick’s Day) was faithful as a husband to One Woman. And boy did he pick out a great wife to be Our Mother. Not all kids have two wonderful parents like we have had. He was also Faithful as a father to his children. He was faithful as a Grandfather to his Grandchildren , Faithful as a Brother and Faithful as a Friend. And most of all he was Faithful to His God. He was faithful because he loved God, and he loved others as himself.
Let me share A few quick quips about him. Dad loved movies and when anyone came over he would begin to tell them the year the movie was produced, who produced it, who starred in it, and why it was a good picture. He bought a copy of Gary Cooper in ’Farewell to Arms’. Didn’t open it. Bought another copy. Forgot he bought that one also bought a copy, didn’t open it. If you went to the 10 am Mass at St. Pauls, you could hear his voice over every one else. He bought two of everything. He dug out the caller under our house.
He used to take me with him into the woods to chop wood for our wood stove. He used to click his teeth, something that drove my mother nuts. He used to put water in the ketchup bottle when it was low to get out the last bit. I do not really like watery ketchup, I wish I had time to tell more stories of how great, wonderful and awesome this man is. I will simply say that My father is my hero.
I’m sure he is to many of you as well. I hope that as I grow older I can be just like him. in the way he loved God and loved others. The fact that their is 4 priests and 2 decons celebrating his funeral mass is a testament to the legacy that this man has left to the church community.
Dedicate and summit your will to God’s would be what Harry would say to you today.
Go to Mass, especially on Sunday. If you can go to daily mass, do so. Go to confession on a regular basis.
He would want you to pray, especially the rosary. For the longest time he got up every morning at 4 am to begin his morning prayers. He would then go to Morning Rosary followed by Mass. Prayer was spread out throughout the day, with time for a nap, playing his nightly game of Yatzi or Mancalla with mother, whom he always beat, and his daily dose of Walker Texas Ranger. He would go out at night to another Rosary Group followed by more prayers when he got home. Prayed every time I looked at him. No radio in the car, just prayer.
Even though he is with Jesus now he would ask you to not to forget to pray for him. Harold believed as a Catholic that our prayers help those who have passed on, in case they might have to be cleaned up a bit in purgatory before entering into the heavenly banquet. He really believed in his church and all that she teaches, so I know he wants and needs your prayers still. But also know that in spite of this, with his dedication to Christ you can be sure without a doubt that he is the safety net of Heaven, and that if you ask, he will pray for you, and don’t be surprised if you get an answer to your prayer. Pray for all your loved ones who have died because our prayers help them, and their prayers help us.
The last Mass I went to him with was on Holy Thursday. Because our church is under renovation we could not have adoration in our church community. I asked him if he wanted to go to adoration here at St. John’s and he said no. Then he said ‘well only if you want to.” Then he said, I think I owe Jesus more time, I don’t spend enough time with him.” I told him, Dad, you spend more time with Jesus then anyone I know. Well Dad, now you get your hearts desire, you get to spend all your time with Him. I end with these words from another man also with the Lord, Christian Singer Rich Mullins:
But when I leave I want to go out like Elijah
With a whirlwind to fuel my chariot of fire
And when I look back on the stars
Well, It'll be like a candlelight in Central Park
And it won't break my heart to say goodbye
Hi FOMs,
One person has gone out of the world and one person has come into the world. My old Math Teacher has died as well as my father. Had a heart attack while teaching a class as a sub. Dying doing something he loved. Back to what I was saying. Another person has come in the world. Although Good News, this situation requires prayer. Read and find out.. I also Thank You all who responded with Cards and Prayers. Keep Praying and those of you whom have not contacted me, please get in touch with me
From: Stephanie J.C. Jarmolowicz
Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2003 9:51 AM
Subject: Baby News
The Good News:
On Wednesday, May 7th at 10:13 AM, following 21-hours of labor, Lucas Anthony Jarmolowicz made his entrance into this world. Weighing in at 6 pounds, 13 ounces, and 20-inches long, he's just beautiful! While the doctors attended to Mommie, the proud Daddy held Lucas in his arms and with tears in his eyes introduced him to the world around him. He's got dark hair, a cute little nose, kissable cheeks and a beautiful mouth!
The Not so Good News:
When the amniotic fluid sac was broken there was evidence of merconium in the fluid- this means that while in utero, Lucas had a bowel movement. So that he wouldn't inhale this fluid with his very first breath, a neonatologist was called in to tend to him immediately after delivery. The simple procedure here is to suction his mouth and throat to get the fluid out before he breaths it in. This procedure was successful. However, while examining him, the neonatologist found evidence of Down's Syndrome, and with most cases of Down's, there are cardiac issues.
The cardiac issues include a medium to large sized hole in his heart. Once he's well enough to leave the hospital, he'll see a cardiologist at Children's Hospital to be evaluated and treated. Depending on his evaluation, the treatment could either be medication or surgery- we're unclear on this as of right now.
The test for Down's is a chromosome test, it takes about 2-weeks to get the results. To Darren and me, the evidence is strong enough that we believe the test will come back positive, the results will only show us how severe it is. Also at Children's, there is a Down's clinic available to us and we will take full advantage of any guidance they can give us.
We ask that our friends and family pray for Lucas' heart to recover quickly and without complication. Our son will live his life with challenges that are foreign to most children and we will meet these challenges head on together as a family. With each accomplishment, we will love him more. We've been told that God gives special children to special parents- I believe that God gave us a beautiful baby boy and we will do our very best to give him a life filled with love.
Love to all,
Stephanie, Darren and Lucas

I have so many things I want to do. I have so many things I want to think. I have so many.........
I can not do them all. I can not think of them all. I can not list them all.
I want to create a story with references to all the books I want to read. I want to read all these books. But know that I can’t, so I wrote a list of them down. I want to create a synopsis of all the books I want to read, cause I know I will not be able to read them all. I want to write in general. I have other things of more importance to write about and should abandon this idea. Even a synopsis or anthology would not do me good. I must write of other things, if I am to write at all.
I want to organize and create a FOM video tape from all the tapes that I have. I need a good place to edit it though. I need to take the time to go through all the tapes. I need to find a place to edit it together.
When and where this will happen I don’t know. I need to fix my CD Burner. It’s broken and I want to do things with it.
I want to put all my photo’s on CD. That takes time. I want to put all my audio tapes on CD. That takes Time. I want to print all the written letters on my computer. That will take time. Where will I find time to do all this.
There is more I want to do, but the least I can do....... is to state the idea on paper. By doing this I don’ t abandon the dream of doing it, just the idea that if I don’t get it done, I have done so in my heart. If God and Time allow I will do all above and much more. Now I have stated my thoughts. I have stated my cause and dreams and I can move on with actually doing things. Slowly but Surely.

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