Monday, May 23, 2011

UA MR CAS Chapter 5

Chapter 5 What happen after POW. Untitled Action/Adventure/Mystery/Comedy/Romantic/ Story:
Suddenly I was on the ground and some people were standing over me. It was Discus Tin Justin and his crime group.
“Well it’s not so funny any more, is it Funnyman? said Justin with a smirk on his face. Justin had this group of petty thieves and they considered them selves a real high-level class gang of robbers. They would be if their leader wasn’t such a ding dong head. Well, he did trick me into getting caught. Guess he’s just a low-fat ding-dong head. His group consisted of Holly, who is like a valley girl you know. Josh the midget, who really admires Justin, and the last real member of his group is his sister Shannin, who really doesn’t hang around with Justin all that much. Shannin thinks that Justin is an Extra High Fat Ding-Dong head and tried to stay away from sweets. She helps him out because they’re related.
“It’s just as funny as your nice white tan; I replied. Justin hates whenever anyone insults him about his tan. Justin took his tan seriously. No one insulted his tan. I reached up and tore his tank top. He also values his tank tops. They’re one of his prized possessions. Just at that moment I saw stars.
The next time I opened my eyes. I was in a different surrounding. I was on a bed surrounded by water. There was no land in sight. This was pretty weird. I noticed a Tennis shoe in one of the little cubbyholes on the bed. I started to touch it. Suddenly the bed shot forward. I noticed something on a screen that said 85 MPH and rising. I suddenly saw a big boat off in the distance and the faster the bed went, the closer the boat came I said in rather a panicking voice,
“ Woman really make you stupid.” I bet you want to know what happens next. I bet your wondering what’s going on. Well, I’m not gonna tell you until next week. To be continued....
Same Funny time
Same Funny Channel
Ha! Ha! Ha!

IN the middle of South Vietnam in 1978. Gunfire poured by the six adventures. Rammon hit Gracho over the head and said.
“ Who knows where that guy in the clown suit is now?”

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