Sunday, May 22, 2011

Detect the Story 5.2

The UN Chapter.............
It fascinated her very much indeed, but other thoughts crowded her mind clamoring for attention..............
A fog rolled in, and covered up the scene playing out in her mind and when the fog cleared, a mysterious figure appeared and stood amongst the black interior of the blank page.
"Who is this Man Puffy", Mr. Mysteriouso", inquired? "and what is his relation to Leah also known as the Red Pony?". He took a long drag on his cigar. Three little people looked up at him. Their eyes widening. "Where she get that name? mmmm. Hmmmm. Can you tell me that?"
"Well you see sir", said one of the little people?"
"Can you tell me what is Puffy's cell phone doing on Fredrick's Island?"
"Is Fredrick saved?" chimed in one of the little people.
"How does this nobody get involved with Leah's story?" chimed in another one.
"I want to know what was written on her shoe....." said the last one.
"Who is trying to kill her."
"And the Anna's?
"Now your getting it" Mr. Mysteriouso uttered. These questions are the ones you need to ask and find out. Like what is Adam going to share with Leah? Is their romance involved, later on in the story? What is going to happen when they get to Belgium? WHo is Ben Du Pyle and Alice Fremond? How do they get involved. Does this Kent guy do anything more. Is he controversal. And what about. And what about the stow away on the plane and the tube of goo.
"Huh?" they all said?
"That was never written in."
"There is no stow away and a tube of goo."
"Fools", You have no idea about what has been introduced and what will be introduced. That US girl neglected to feed your minds with this info. But that is ok," he said as he sucked on his car." You three excuses for information intelligence, do not need to worry about how all this info will be answered. Oh you'll get a chance to answer them I'm sure, but for now I'm calling in............................
to find out these things."
"Is she good?"
A flash of light echoed around the room. In the door way of the black abyss stood a figure clad in a little trench coat. She had on dark glasses and she summon a chair out of the nothingness and sat upon it and zoomed to a computer monitor and pressed her fingers to the keys and gave the answers to Mr. Mysteriouo's questions. Here is how she continued the saga and entered the Story Game.................
She begins with

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