Monday, May 23, 2011

UA MR CAS Chapter 10

Chapter 10 In Washington D.C. and elsewhere.
"My. President, I have some news for you~
Back at the secret underground bunker.
" IQ 2 never told d me about what he found out. ! " screamed The IQ Master.
" That's because you interrupted him, " insisted IQ 5.23 .
“Shut up,” The IQ master said with his fist as he bashed IQ 5.23 in the mouth
Back in Manual's apartment. The Mysterious Unknown Assailant sat down and relaxed. He .was watching Quantum Leap. Manual didn't tie him up, as he thought that he wouldn't get away seeing that he didn't know who he was, let alone what sex he or she was. Manual told The Mysterious Unknown Assailant that it was a teenager from ' Bigsville High and that he had gotten in a bad accident at McDonalds cooking fries and that's why he has to where the mask. Manual picked up a Magazine. The person on the covey looked very familiar. He went to the mirror in the bathroom. He pulled off his mask and he saw. ..Ding-Dong. “Oh boy, my Pizza. "
He opened the door to find the Pizza delivery boy standing there. He gave The Mysterious Unknown Assailant his Pizza, took his five bucks (very cheep pizza) and left. He started to run down the hall, hoping to get away before the bomb exploded. As he was running he thought he recognized The Mysterious Unknown Assailant. "Wait A Minute~ I know who that is, That's.....
Bodee Lee (Ales IQ 2) Sat in his seat listening to his headphones. There was about 2 1/2 more hours until his plane, " would land in Bigsville. (You think Hushville is going to have an airport) Bodee was wondering why The IQ master would not tell him the info. he needed to know to help him with this assignment.
“How can we sit in this germ-infested piece of metal?“ The man in the seat in front of Bodee, whose name was Dale HaleStorm, said to Bodee. Did you know, if the passenger in your seat on the incoming flight
Had serious gas, then you are sitting on a cushion full of disease-causing microbes.”
Bodee trying his best to ignore him thought, “It was very important”. The Case that is, not the paranoid Germ Man. Bodee had found out that....
"All right, don't move" said a man holding a suitcase”
"Whoopsie-doodle”, I get booked on a flight that gets hijacked. What a dilly of a pickle.”
“All right, hands up,” said another man holding a gun.”
“Put down your gun, were hijacking this plane.”
“Noooo your not, I‘m hijacking this plane.”
“ Two hijackers?? What are the odds... What next?
"This is your Stewards speaking, We have experienced some difficulties. . “Disaster of Flight 102 is still being shown in section 3 and 4. Coffee and tea will be served soon, and is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a plane, both pilots seemed to have passed out, perhaps due to the peanuts that we have yet to give you“. Everyone including the Hijackers looked scared. The first group of hijackers who had shirts on identifying themselves as “The Hijacking Buddies”, fainted, except Madman Marvin. He tried to act cool and went to tell the Pilot his demands. The other hijacker sat down in a seat and began to mutter, “Can’t even hijack a lousy plane, without some other hijackers interfering. Every time I try to commit a crime... He sad down next to Bodee, and started crying on his shoulder. Bodee looked out his window to see that they were in the middle of a storm, not to mention that he saw an engine fall off the plane, was that a gremlin he saw on the wing, and he also saw a flying saucer coming right for the plane. It reminded him of a law he had studied for a test he had 3 weeks ago in which he had gotten a failing grade of 79. Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles? The unknown Hijacker throw up on him. The only half descent thing about this flight was that the music that they had on the headphones was Barry Manoloe’s greatest hits.
“MAN, did you know that the soft plastic headphones used on airplanes create a warm, moist
Environment in the ear canal that is ideal for breeding bacteria. You’ve been wearing yours for at least an hour, did you know that would increase the bacteria in your ear 700 times.” In the midst of all the turmoil, Dale was still conserned about how many germs he was going to get as opposed to all the other danger that surrounded him.
If things were not bad enough, Bodees secret ring began to flash. . "Bookcases in Brail, I always knew this would happen.” Now he had to go to the bathroom.
During his journey Manual talked into his tape-recorder to keep his thoughts together. "Entry # 1: I believe many answers may be "found in the Sheriff's home and office. Because he is a 'detective' he must have kept notes of some kind I hope". He first went to the Sheriff's office and found it had been broken into. Then he saw a man, about five feet ten and a half inches with brown hair and blue eyes; the man turned to him and said "Hello my name is Walker,... Ace Walker. I've come to help you solve this case. Let me explain.... Next Time......

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