Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fr. Athanasius Nectan

Fr. Athanasius Nectan is a very humble and holy priest. He is rector of Our Lady of the Angels Parish.  He is usually very quiet and soft spoken. But lately he has spoken out against certain activities that the Mafia has been engaged in. He has created growing awareness of the mob and their activities and has caused several mob activities  to cease because he has spoken out.

In an attempt to shut him up, three attempts have had on his life. All unsuccessful. Two mobsters are talking together about the fact that Fr. Athanasius Nectan can not be killed. It is said He is protected by God. One of the mobsters is A very successful hitman and has never failed to kill anyone and doesn’t believe in all this God stuff. He aggress to take the priest out.

On the day of the hit, Fr AN wakes up and as He does a name comes to Him. He doesn’t know why but he starts praying for this Young Man.

The young man he prays for starts a chain of events. This chain of wacky events continues throughout the day until the time the Hit man is about to assassinate the priest. The events that started in the morning with that young man cumulate with the priest and the hit man. As the hit man is about to kill the priest, the priest utters another prayer for protection. the hit man is stopped by the chain of events started earlier in the say.  Thus the priest is saved again.

The scene ends the way it started with two mobsters talking. The one guys says, yeah I can take this guy out.  And again another man thinks he can kill the priest that is under God’s protection.

It may be good to have a reason why this particular priest is under divine protection but I’m not sure yet.

Anyway that is the rough idea I have…………

Thoughts ……..


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